Computer Network Education: Fault Diagnosis in a Simulation Environment

  • László Gereben Ózdi SzC Bródy Imre Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma
Keywords: computer network knowledge; simulation; fault diagnosis


The field of computer networks is an integral part of the knowledge of IT professionals. Teaching computer networking skills would require very expensive devices but using modern simulation environments could be an alternative. The potential of simulation environments can be applied well in education, as a well-functioning simulator can provide many opportunities for teachers and students in both the design and testing phases. This article describes the debugging possibilities of the most used computer network simulator, which helps the problem-solving, understanding and interpretation in testing, fault diagnosis.

How to Cite
Gereben, L. (2018). Computer Network Education: Fault Diagnosis in a Simulation Environment. Computers & Learning, 1(1), 1-11. Retrieved from