Implement online education and compare its solutions during COVID-19 situation

  • Lászlóné Figura Kecskeméti SZC Virágh Gedeon Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
Keywords: online education; teaching methods; case study


On 13th of March, 2020, the goverment announced the decision about closing schools and changing into online courses to stop the massive outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. This study compares different solutions for online education, their aspect of applying from the perspective of three different kinds of participants: teacher, parent, student. The methods of online courses are being compared by using their own experience. This study sheds light on the advantages, disadvantages, difficulties of each method based on own experiences and opinions. The study sums up the consequences on the upcoming school year, made by the decision, about this unexpected but necessarily introduced online courses, from the perspective of teacher and student altogether.

How to Cite
Figura, L. (2021). Implement online education and compare its solutions during COVID-19 situation. Computers & Learning, 4(1), ArtNo: 31. Retrieved from