Needs assessment for creating an efficient game server

  • Dávid Blatt ET-Solution
Keywords: programming; games development; computer games;


In the 21st century, computer games are gaining more and more space, almost everyone uses such programs. They help us break away from our fast-paced, stressful world. Temporarily makes people forget their everyday worries and problems. Various goals must be achieved in a pre-programmed world, and after achieving these goals, the player is filled with joy. It's the same feeling as if the person actually got something that they fought for. A video game is a form of game in which the player interacts on a user platform and receives feedback about the game using a display. Before starting my development, I perform a needs assessment using an online questionnaire, in which community members could give feedback on the system to be developed. I analyzed the results, and based on the statistics, I would like to create a personalized server in the future. In the end, by combining my experiences, the questionnaires filled out by the players and my professional knowledge, I want to create a complete work in the future for which the Hungarian Lineage II community will say even after years that yes, that server works very well.

How to Cite
Blatt, D. (2021). Needs assessment for creating an efficient game server. Computers & Learning, 4(1), ArtNo: 39. Retrieved from