Bill Monitor - From idea to publication, or the birth of an Android application

  • Roland Cseh Pentatrade Kft.
Keywords: programming; Android; Google


In the article entitled Bill Monitor - From idea to publication, or the birth of an Android application, I would like to show what it takes for someone to create a complex, independent, unique program for the Android platform. The program I am implementing is not completely new, because a similar application is already available in the Android application store, the Google Play Store. A program that is so user-friendly, takes into account the peculiarities of Hungarian mobile phone service providers and is detailed, understandable and customizable has yet to be found. Bill Monitor, as the name suggests, will be a bill monitoring application that will help the user keep control of his mobile bill or the balance of his prepaid card. The user provides the important data for the program (e.g.: Monthly fee, Minute fee, SMS fee, etc.), then the program calculates the current total amount of the user's phone bill using this data and the phone's call log and SMS storage, or the current card balance. I will introduce what Android is. I will describe what is needed to develop an application. I design the software and explain in detail how I implemented certain parts of the program, why they are responsible for each one. I will describe how to publish an application in the Play Store and finally explain what my plans are for the future.

How to Cite
Cseh, R. (2021). Bill Monitor - From idea to publication, or the birth of an Android application. Computers & Learning, 4(1), ArtNo: 43. Retrieved from