The role and impact of computer and game addiction on education

  • Gábor Kovács Bethlen Gábor Technikum
Keywords: education; computer games; gaming addiction; motivation; effects; risks;


Computer games have many advantages and disadvantages in the field of education. While benefits include improving problem-solving skills, increasing motivation, and learning based on immediate feedback, disadvantages include ergonomic issues, health risks, and potential safety hazards. The use of games in education raises complex questions for both teachers and parents. While games can promote learning and the development of elementary school skills, their excessive use can increase addiction problems and negatively affect students' physical and mental health. The article discusses the educational benefits and development potential of computer games, the health and ergonomic risks, as well as the negative effects of overuse of games and security challenges, especially in online gaming communities.

How to Cite
Kovács, G. (2023). The role and impact of computer and game addiction on education. Computers & Learning, 5(1), ArtNo: 51. Retrieved from