Android table football application development

  • Tamas Mark Matuz OPTEN Kft.
Keywords: programming; Android; PHP


For quite a few years now, mobile devices have generated more data traffic than desktop devices, which is why I decided to create my own mobile application, which can be used by almost anyone with a phone based on the Android operating system. According to Google, 99% of devices can run within this layer. My goal is to create something unique, useful and new, that's why I decided to create an application related to sports, since it is usually included in people's daily lives. After a little study and research, I decided to make a foosball app, as there are very few similar apps on the market. With the application, I want to encourage young people, or simply people who want to play foosball, to get out of their homes and find the right table for them. After registration, users can already see nearby tables and their ratings with a few clicks. I created the client in Java, and the web application server in PHP. The application relies heavily on the Internet connection, so it cannot store or display data without it. The client communicates with the application server via the HTTP protocol, with JSON objects, as both languages support it. In any case, I set as a primary goal that the data should function and appear in the same way not only on modern devices, but also on older, outdated devices. That's why I set the minimum SDK as low as possible and the maximum as high as possible. My further goals to be achieved include the cleanness and simplicity of the user interface, so I used the official Material Design theme developed by Google. Also, app security was an important consideration for me. That's why I used reliable libraries and safe filters on both the client and server side.

How to Cite
Matuz, T. M. (2023). Android table football application development. Computers & Learning, 5(1), ArtNo: 52. Retrieved from